
My Story

Several years ago, I tried vegetable gardening in one 3 foot by 6 foot cedar raised bed to save money and become more self-sufficient. I was thrilled with the results and discovered a passion for gardening. The following year, I enrolled in my State Cooperative Extension System Master Gardener program to increase my gardening knowledge.

Now have ten raised beds on the west side and behind my house. I grow more varieties of vegetables every year and even cover at least one of the beds with a low tunnel during the winter so that I can grow greens year-round. I usually pick more produce than I can eat, freeze and dehydrate so I give the extra to my family, neighbors and friends. It makes me happy to give my extra vegetables away. If I go to someone's house during peak harvest season, there's a good chance I'll be bringing some extra homegrown produce.

One evening, I met a few friends at a local restaurant for dinner. I brought a bag of mixed greens for each person and handed them out on the sidewalk outside the restaurant after dinner. Yes, I really carried my own produce into a restaurant, but hid it in a canvas bag away from the eyes of the waitstaff. My friends were thrilled and immediately started planning what they were each going to do with their salad mix. For me, this was the best part of the evening.

People seem genuinely happy to receive a bag of mixed greens or a zucchini and their happiness reflects back onto me. As the saying goes - one of the most difficult things to give away is kindness; it usually comes back to you.

That lead to the idea of creating The Farmer's Garden. I started my blog as a way to share my passion for gardening with others. I write a weekly researched gardening related blog post. My research helps me become a better gardener and I want to share my new knowledge with you.

Please join me in The Farmer's Garden community and help to spread the word about the rewards of gardening and let more people see for themselves how delicious just picked in-season produce can be.

I'm a member of Garden Communicators, Bionutrient Food Association, Connecticut Horticultural Society and Connecticut Master Gardeners associations.

I'm also the owner of Airmids' Harvest. My company creates handcrafted herbal salad dressing mixes using organic ingredients with no added sugar or salt.

Happy gardening,

Maureen Farmer, Founder

raised beds

You don’t have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces - just good food from fresh ingredients.
~ Julia Child

Shipping is a terrible thing to do to vegetables. They probably get jet-lagged, just like people.
~ Elizabeth Berry

urban garden

If you really want to make a friend, go to someone’s house and eat with him… the people who give you their food give you their heart.
~ Cesar Chavez

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The Farmer's Garden wants to teach more people to garden and have access to healthier homegrown food.

Copyright 2025 The Farmer's Garden All rights reserved.